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A Trihedral in an inflatable ball,  light weight and small when packed, but once inflated produces a massive response of 107m2 at X-Band and is predicted to be >300m2 at Ku-Band. Very useful for professional users such as the military for target or tracking use.

Weighing just 418grms with six fittings, it can also be used in some airborne applications under kites, balloons or drones. Fixings to secure can be added as required.

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Trihedral TH312.


Echomax are pleased to announce our new optimised boresight technology to produce a range of Trihedral radar reflectors to give a  360° azimuth coverage with ability to control the response in elevation to match nature of the radar platform  (i.e. shipborne, airborne, missile) that will interrogate the target. The TH6 range of professional radar targets complements our existing range of single & dual trihedral targets  which have found widespread use in marine  applications and as ground positioning and calibration targets for marine &  satellite systems

Weight: 20KGS Height: 532mm Width: 704mm

EMTH312 Predicted plot.jpg

This plot is a prediction of the Azimuth response of a 200m2 (nominal at Ku Band) shown without any phase interactions which can lead to a number of narrow peaks & nulls in the region (±10⁰) of the 6 existing dips in the response shown. Such interactions are exceptionally difficult to model and if required then measurement in a microwave RCS range such as operated by QinetiQ Funtington are needed to reveal the detail.

Trihedrals supplied for a project in Antarctica


Retractable cluster, with a response of 5000m at 120° to Xband Radar.  Specially made to our customers requirements

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100 cm Modular Perforated Trihedral

35cms Modular which is used on West Minster Bridge

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Missile Targets with Echomax EM325 & EM400 on Pedestals, 312 Trihedral on frames on floating platforms

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